Phoenix VAHCS
Phoenix, AZ
Renovate Dental Clinic for ENT & Podiatry
The current Podiatry and Otolaryngology (ENT) Clinics at the Phoenix VA Medical Center, following years of an expanding patient base with no corresponding increase in physical space, are cramped and full. The goal of this project was to design a relocation of the two Clinics, utilizing space made available by relocating the facility’s large Dental Clinic. In addition, the endoscope sterilization and storage needs of the ENT Clinic, when combined with the at-capacity central Sterile Processing Department, required the addition of a small processing suite. After user meetings and input, a 10,000 sf space was designed to accommodate a 40-person waiting area, 15 Podiatry exams rooms, 8 ENT exam rooms, 2 ENT procedure rooms, a 600 sf processing suite, and various clinical and staff support spaces.