Corporation for Social and Educational Development (CSED)
Brookfield, WI
Petawa Residence & Cultural Center
The Petawa Residence and Cultural Center is owned by CSED, a nonprofit corporation founded in 1967 by a group of professional women to assist the Prelature of Opus Dei in carrying out its apostolic work according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Petawa is dedicated to the personal religious and holistic formation of women. Its programs and activities aim to help girls and women improve their spiritual life, intellectual formation, moral character, and religious life in order to be of greater service to society. The facility offers ten private resident rooms, a common kitchen and dining area, and other rooms you would find in a residence. A few small rooms on the first floor will be designated for spiritual direction and religious guidance. Other supporting rooms include a classroom, computer room, lounge/living room, laundry facilities, and fitness center to support personal, professional, and spiritual programs and activities. Central to the residence and it mission is the Oratory, thoughtfully designed to support worship, meditation, and contemplation. The residence grounds include yard space for outdoor activities and ample parking spaces for residents and visitors.