Riverside, CA

Inspired by the strong architectural language of the existing Administration Building and Amphitheater, the schematic approach for renovating the four existing shelters and creating three new ones retains the prominent structural concrete columns and further accentuates the overhead beams with pre-patinated weathering steel, replacing the deteriorating and maintenance-intensive existing wood glulam beams.  Drawing inspiration from the rusticated stone veneer, which is prominent in the existing campus buildings, a heavy battered gabion wall weaves around the main gathering space, embracing those who gather to honor loved ones while providing thermal comfort through the microclimate established by its mass.  It also frames cemetery views and offers a variety of ways to interact with the services, both directly and indirectly.  With the expressive and soulful arrangement of these architectural elements (walls, roofs, and embracing wall), the experience of celebrating and honoring veterans' lives may transcend the immediacy of one's loss.